STEP was created to...
Mentorship is critical in the development of successful people. Since sports mirror life, involvement in sports is the perfect arena to provide mentorship. By involving our participants in basketball, we guide young people through their development on and off the court. Decision making in a team environment, creativity, personal skill development, accomplishing goals, accountability, lifetime health and fitness, as well as time management, are just a few of the skills our participants develop through participation in team sports.
We understand that young people who enjoy their involvement in programs are more likely to maximize results. In many of the communities that we appeal to, law enforcement interaction is often frowned upon. Our belief is that establishing positive relationships on common ground lowers the potential for tension between law enforcement and other community members. Once our participant families realize that they share interests with caring members of law enforcement, while learning the game of basketball, feelings and dynamics change. As these changes occur in youth and their households, social change in communities is inevitable.
By engaging communities in conversation, we educate stakeholders on law enforcement related topics and events. When hosting community forums, we provide outlets for dialogue and shared understanding. These forums are intereactive and allow attendees to view events through a law enforcement lens. (for more information view a past flier on our gallery page)
Our participants are ages 5-17. Various levels of involvement are available. Please contact us for further information.
Young people with mentors are:
55% more likely to enroll in college
130% more likely to hold leadership position
46% less likely to start using illegal drugs
27% less likely to start drinking
less likely to display depressive symptoms
more likely to communicate better and be closer to their parents
We value experience as a great teacher, community as a great classroom, and life as a great school. Exposure to new experiences provides youth with opportunities to imagine, learn, and develop.
Participation in team sports allows youth think within group environments, make rapid sound decisions, learn to expand personal limitations, and understand the importance of health and lifetime fitness.
community service
By addressing issues of concern within a communty, stakeholders improve their own environments and become more closely knit. Increased involement from community members equates to fewer issues within communities.
“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.”
Interested? Have questions? Want to be involved?
Please provide the information below and we will contact you soon. Can't find the answer to your question on our website? Feel free to send us a message.